Photo "Touched By The Change" Copyright © Paolo Campisi, Sicilian Family Productions,
All Rights Reserved
Touched By The Change
The season changed,
yesterday was summer,
today the autumn came.
There was a familiar closeness
in the chilling air that touched my emotions,
a closeness in the dampness and early darkening day.
Touched by the change,
the fleeting echo of summer days,
ushering, whispering, autumn colorings
leading into the winter silencing ,
equinox of genesis
equinox inside of me,
happy and lonely at the same time,
emotions overrun me,
pooling tears fill my eyes,
almost overwhelming them,
a single tear escapes and runs down my face.
Yet I can't say why
that I smile, yet I cry at the same time,
it is like something in me has died but
longs to be fulfilled at the same time.
It leaves me lonely and longing,
and amazed.
Touched by the change
P. J. Campise